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"If you build it, they will come."

Field of Dreams


Cody & Tracy Davis

 Cody & Tracy Davis  want to welcome you to Davis Homestead Arkansas. In 2017, they acquired this  patch of land after years of working their way to less home and more land. After purchasing it, they found under lots of overgrown trees and brush, a broken down old barn now named "The Crooked Angel". Supposedly the barn dates back to 18-1900's. Being the visionary Tracy is, she had to save it. With much love, prayer, blood, sweat & tears, she was saved & rebuilt to share with others who have a heart for the rustic and extraordinary. Cody is a native of Greers Ferry and has been a business owner in the community his whole adult life. He holds a love for everything hunting and fishing. Tracy hailed from Memphis in 1997 and has been a business owner in the community ever since. She is a creative and loves anything old. If you know her just know. Blended family of two grown sons, a daughter-in- law & two beautiful granddaughters.  They welcome you to experience the love grown here.


The Crooked Angel got her name because of her beauty and resilience she has endured through the years. The name came to me in a dead sleep one evening and after much thought, she was born. She offers a very rustic charm and makes for a wonderful wedding venue or any other event that matches your search.

All of the logs were hand-hewn. The original roof is now  the ceiling inside. The side boards you see up top are the shiplap boards that used to be the walls and floor of the original corn crib. The corn crib is now the bathroom. The main floor was home to the hogs and other animals. The wood around the windows and doors were part of the original trusses. The stained glass angel that resides above the fireplace mantle was purchased at Botkinburg,Ar.  after hours of searching for just the right one. She was also from the 1800's. Side note: she was the only angel stained glass in the hundreds of windows. Fate. 

There is some old writing on one of the logs from 1932 that makes it even more special. I didn't know the people that cultivated this land originally , but I know there was a lot of work that went into it. We welcome you to enjoy her beauty! If you have any memories of the days gone past with this beauty, let us know! We would love to hear some stories! 


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